
Philippines rescinds travel ban on UAE, Thailand and 8 more countries beginning September 6. Th

COVID-stricken Roque hits 'un-Christian' query

Le Bled Parle News announces that the Philippine government has declared on September 6 that it will lift in-bound travel restraints on the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, and eight more countries beginning Monday, September 6.

COVID-stricken Roque hits 'un-Christian' query

A lifted travel ban means that travelers from the following countries may enter the Philippines starting Monday: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

“International travelers coming from the abovementioned countries shall, however, comply with the appropriate entry, testing, and quarantine protocols, depending on the country’s approved ‘listing,'” Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said in a statement.

Thousands of stranded overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) had anticipated the lifting of the ban. The UAE, a host to more than 650,000 Filipinos who desired to come home, met ceasing work contracts and overstaying distress. The travel ban on the UAE has been in place since May 15.

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Moreover, PH Government has provided a brand-new categorization regarding the risks of infection per country.

Beforehand, the Philippines only had a “green” list of countries – fully vaccinated travelers coming from these areas would relish shorter quarantine periods if they wish to travel in the country. On Saturday, Roque announced that the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) had also approved “yellow” and “red” classifications.

“Yellow” list countries are “moderate risk,” while “red” countries are “high risk.”

If permitted, in-bound Filipinos from red list countries will undergo the same quarantine process as those from yellow list countries.

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