
Cameroon Press Review of Thursday, February 1, 2024

Dear subscribers, good morning, and thank you once again for your continued trust in our morning press review! As usual, below is the analysis of information as reported in both traditional and digital media.

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Press Review

France: Doubtful Friend of Cameroon. By confusing the country’s flag with that of the separatists from the fictional state of Ambazonia, TV5 Monde, the French television channel, sparked outrage from the government on January 23rd, protesting strongly against what it deemed a serious and intolerable mistake. (Source: Expression Économique).

Public Administration: Recruitment of 2235 Civil Servants. A total of 2,235 new civil servants have been recruited by the Cameroonian government to strengthen the country’s civil service and create employment opportunities for citizens. To these new civil servants, MINFOPRA, Joseph LE, urges integrity and loyalty in the performance of their duties…P.4 (Source: Le Drapeau)

Central Africa: Who will be the Central African for the position of Governor of the BEAC? The term of Chadian Abbas Mahamat Tolli as governor of the Central Bank expires this February 2024, and it is now the turn of the Central African Republic to occupy the highest position in the Central Bank. Who will be the chosen one? Current Challenges outlines the profiles of potential contenders. (Source: Current Challenges)

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Fintech: BEAC takes stock of financial inclusion in CEMAC 1333 billion. During the “CEMAC Fintech Forum” organized by the Central Bank from January 29 to 31, 2024, in Douala, stakeholders proposed solutions for digital development to increase the financial inclusion rate from 35% in 2021 to 75% by 2030 in the sub-region. (Source: Le Financier d’Afrique)

Children without birth certificates: Endangered Future. Approximately 2 million children in Cameroon have no official existence, according to estimates from the National Civil Status Office. This situation leads many to drop out of the school system. How can this be addressed sustainably? The government and civil society are engaged in the fight. (Source: Cameroon Tribune)

Bopda’s case

Investigation: Hervé Bopda arrested in Douala. The man whose name has been making headlines for several days in connection with allegations of sexual abuse was arrested yesterday. His arrest by elements of the anti-crime brigade of the Regional Division of the Judicial Police took place around 2 a.m. in a motel in Bonabéri. (Source: Cameroon Tribune)

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Hervé Bopda: Caught in the Trap. Accused of serial sexual assaults, this businessman was arrested early yesterday in Douala by the judicial police: The further development of the case is eagerly awaited. (Source: Mutations)

Molyko Attack: Civil Society Condemns. A man lost his life on January 29th during an incursion by armed men into the regional capital of the Southwest. P.3. (Source: Le Jour). That is the end of our press review of today. See you soon for another point of informations in Cameroon. 

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Cameroonian Press Review – Monday, January 22, 2024

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