
Cameroonian Press Review – Friday, January 19, 2024

Dear subscribers, good morning, and thank you once again for renewing your trust in us this morning for the national press review! As usual, below is the analysis of information as reported in the traditional press.

Revue Sam
Cameroonian Press Review (c) DR

Yaoundé: Traders at the Match Decisif market for Acacias cry foul play. They denounce the illegal collection of taxes without issuing receipts by the price control and fraud repression brigade of the Departmental Delegation of the Ministry of Commerce. P. 2 (Source: Le Jour).

Private sector: Strategy and ambitions of the IFC in Cameroon. On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Achille Bassilekin III, Minister of SMEs, Social Economy, and Handicrafts, opened the Private Sector Day organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC Day) at Akwa Palace Hotel in Douala. The event was attended by the IFC Vice President for the Africa region, Mr. Sergio Pimenta, the interim co-chairman of the Group of Companies in Cameroon (GECAM), Mr. Célestin Tawamba, and several business leaders representing the Cameroonian private sector. (Source: Le Soir)

Fuel prices: Proposals from transporters. Faced with the announcement of a new fuel price hike after that of February 2023, stakeholders in the transport sector in Cameroon draw attention to the authorities by proposing compensatory measures. (Source: Le Soir).

Hydrocarbons: Total sells 2,000 service stations. After the sale to a Canadian earlier this month in Europe, its African subsidiaries express concern about social issues. TotalEnergies owns 4,000 service stations in about forty African countries, including 190 in Cameroon. (Source: Camer Press).

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Testimony: Professor Sosso’s tribute to Professor Mono Ndjana. At the start of the final journey of the renowned philosophy professor on January 18, the Rector of the University of Yaoundé 1 paid a vibrant tribute to the Cameroonian thinker and writer who passed away on November 16, 2023, in Yaoundé. P.3. (Source: InfoMatin)

Cameroon-Senegal : Lions’ Battle in

Yamoussoukro. After the lackluster draw on Monday against Guinea, the Cameroonian team must redeem themselves against Senegal, the group leader and defending African champion, this Friday. An explosive eve before the clash of titans. (Source: L’Actu Sport)

Cameroonian Employers’ Association: A “people’s call” in the works for Célestin Tawamba… A strategy allegedly devised by the President of Pex-Gicam to garner support from private sector members for his potential candidacy for the presidency of the new employers’ movement. Dean Henri Fosso of FIMEX opened the door, and the continuation may involve a significant oil player. (Source: Week-end Infos)

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Afcon 2024 in Côte d’Ivoire

High Temperatures: Mosquitoes invade homes. Explanations from a medical entomologist researcher at the Organization for Coordination in the Fight against Endemics in Central Africa. P.3 (Source: Le Jour).

Mathias Owona Nguini: Recteur caught in rumors. Appointed Rector of the University of Yaoundé II on social media, Professor Mathias Eric Owona Nguini denounces an orchestrated plot aimed at preventing a potential appointment to this position. P.2 (Source: La Voix des Jeunes).

Martinez Zogo Case: The Eko steamroller. Collaborators of the former Director-General of the Directorate General of External Research have been questioned at the SED in recent days in a scenario resembling the opening of a new front against Léopold Maxime Eko Eko. (Source: Mutations).

This concludes the national and international press review this morning. Thank you for reading. See you on Monday for a new edition.

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Cameroonian Press Review – Monday, January 22, 2024