
Cameroonian Press Review – Thursday, January 11, 2024

Dear subscribers, good morning, and thank you once again for renewing your trust with us this morning, as we delve into this review of national and international press! As always, find below the analysis of information as reported in the traditional press.

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Cameroonian Press Review (c) Droits réservés

The newspaper “L’Équation,” with which we commence this exercise, leads us to the Airports of Cameroon, revealing that the entity overseeing the country’s air transport sector will operate with a budget of 11 billion XAF for the year 2024. “The 127th session of the Board of Directors of the Airports of Cameroon (Adc s.a) took place on December 22, 2023, in Kribi, chaired by the Minister of Transport, Jean Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe. It resulted in a key resolution focused on accelerating the modernization projects of all airport platforms in Cameroon,” reads the report.

Staying within the transportation sector, this time focusing on maritime activities, the daily newspaper “Le Soir” reports that the 4th Tripartite Forum Cameroon-CAR-Chad is progressing smoothly in Kribi. The Minister of Transport (Mint), Jean Ernest Masséna Ngalle Bibéhé, presided over the opening ceremony on January 9, 2024, at the La Marée hotel in Kribi. The theme of the forum is “Simplification of procedures.”

Amidst the anticipation of a potential increase in petroleum product prices starting February 2024, “Le Financier d’Afrique” examines the economic impact of this prospective rise. Economist Jean Marie Biada expresses concerns about the government’s intention to raise prices, fearing a surge in transportation costs, further driving up the cost of living and possibly leading to the abandonment or hibernation of certain economic activities.

“Mutations” headlines with “Port of Kribi: La Pasta Takes the Lead,” reporting the inauguration of a new industrial unit at the Kribi port. The milling capacity of the facility is 12,000 bags of 50 kg of flour per day.

Economic news from “Cameroon Tribune” informs us that rebar prices have once again dropped. According to a statement released on January 9, the Minister of Commerce provides the new price grid for this product in Yaoundé and Douala. The price reduction ranges from 70 XAF to 200 XAF depending on the formats. Merchants on the ground are already implementing this decision to the delight of consumers.

Pour approfondir :   University Lecturer, Dr. Didachos Mbeng Afuh thrilled Audience during conference on Multiculturalism and Multilingualism

The Lom-Pangar Dam’s power plant has become a reality. Fully operational at the beginning of 2024, the 30-megawatt capacity infrastructure now consistently supplies the East region, estimated to have around 14 MW in power needs. Both the population and economic operators are pleased with this development.

Income tax, excise duties, stamp duties: The new rules. Since January 1, the budget for the current year is enforceable across the national territory. Adjusting rates, expanding the scope of taxation, and introducing new fiscal obligations, the innovations in the Finance Law are expected to enhance revenue collection. Individuals and businesses are affected by these new provisions. Read our investigation and insights from our expert, Joseph Mvondo Mvondo, a tax consultant. Find more on pages 11 to 15 of “Cameroon Business Today.”

“Le Témoin” reports a scandal in the Anguissa neighborhood, where all residents may soon be without homes due to a complex land expropriation case allegedly uncompensated since the 1960s. The situation raises concerns about potential social tensions and upheavals in this neighborhood of Yaoundé. An investigation to understand the possibility of demolition is featured in Francis Bonga’s journal.

Pour approfondir :   Douala : Tragedy in Bonamousadi, five children killed in a stampede during an end-of-year party

Inauguration of the very first social and recreational center for the elderly, refugees, and displaced persons: Tomorrow is the big day. “L’Avenir” reports that the center, located on Rue Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (behind the CNPS headquarters), will be officially inaugurated this Friday under the presidency of the First Lady Chantal Biya, Goodwill Ambassador. The facility will offer various free services to the elderly, refugees, and displaced persons, including therapeutic massages, beauty treatments (hairstyling, manicures, pedicures), orchestra music, disco, dance sessions, and adapted board games such as Songo, Draft, chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, and Ludo. Additionally, leisure spaces like cinema/TV, restaurants, etc., aim to ensure the well-being of the elderly and provide opportunities for their meaningful participation in society. This grand event will be led by Cameroon’s First Lady, Chantal Biya, whose presence is anticipated. Moved by the plight of vulnerable individuals, the Goodwill Ambassador has once again mobilized for a cause close to her heart.

“Le Jour” takes us to Mora in the Far North, where four humanitarian workers have been abducted. The vehicle transporting these NGO employees assisting victims of the Boko Haram Islamist sect’s abuses was found on National Highway No. 1.

This concludes the national and international press review this morning. Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow for a new edition.

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Cameroonian Press Review – Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Cameroonian Press Review – Friday, January 12, 2024