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Anglophone Crisis – Bamenda : Man shot death in Nkwen this Thursday !

A Bamenda resident was shot dead this morning in Bamenda, North West region of Cameroon, by Cameroonian soldiers.

The incident reportedly occured at A2 street, around mile 2 Nkwen in the morning of Thursday December 1st, 2022.

“Soldiers are responsible,” MMI source noted.

The deceased reportedly had a disagreement with a friend who reported him to the forces of law and order.

Our source said: “Just because he had a fight with a friend, the friend reported him to the military.”

Pour approfondir :   Cameroonian Press Review - Tuesday, January 16, 2024

“As the military arrived the scene, the boy tried to escape and was shot,” the source who witnessed the incident added.

He was rushed to a nearby health facility where he finally died.

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