
Cameroonian Press Review – Thursday, January 4, 2024

Dear subscribers, good morning, and thank you once again for renewing your trust in us this morning as we delve into the review of national and international press! As usual, find below all the information published in both traditional and digital media in Cameroon and beyond.

la revue de presse 4JAN
News paper (c) Droits réservés

Le Témoin – Government Dion Ngute: 5 years already. While speculations about a possible new government have been circulating for over two years, the men of January 4, 2019, are stubbornly resisting, making their decree the longest in the history of the Renouveau. Meanwhile, expectations continue to grow, and social fabric deteriorates day by day.

Economic News

Le Témoin – Mbalam Iron Mine Exploitation Project: Ngallè Bibéhè’s recipe in Beijing. The Minister of Transport, alongside his Mines counterpart, participated on December 28 in China in the launch of the integrated project for the exploitation of iron ore mines in Avima, Badondo, Nabeba, and Mbalam, as well as the construction of the Mbalam-Kribi railway and the mineral terminal at the Port of Kribi.

La Nouvelle Expression – Tax Pressure: No visa without taxes. From now on, to obtain an exit visa, each individual must present a Tax Compliance Certificate. This measure compels citizens and residents to be up-to-date with their taxes, ensuring that they have fulfilled their fiscal obligations.

Cameroon-Tribune – Cameroon-South Korea: A new boost. The opening of the Cameroonian embassy in Seoul, through a presidential decree on December 2, is a major turning point in the already dense, diversified, and fruitful bilateral cooperation with this Asian country. In an interview with CT, Ambassador Nam Ki-wook envisions an even brighter future, with increased exchanges between the two states and an increase in investments. pp.4-5.

Le Jour – Internet and Social Media: “Influencers” will now pay taxes. As part of the measures to broaden the tax base outlined in the 2024 State Budget of Cameroon, a “reduced rate of 5% for non-commercial profits tax (BNC)” is instituted for individuals generating income on digital platforms through the sale of goods, provision of services, or exchange and sharing of assets (collaborative economy). P. 6

Social News

Le Jour – TotalEnergies 2023 AFCON: André Onana will be available the day before the first match. The Manchester United goalkeeper will play a Premier League match before heading to Yamoussoukro to face Guinea on January 15, 2024.

Pour approfondir :   University Lecturer, Dr. Didachos Mbeng Afuh thrilled Audience during conference on Multiculturalism and Multilingualism

For further information: Cameroon: Ten years in prison for Ahmed Abba, RFI correspondent

Digital News

– Internet and Social Media: “Influencers” and online sellers now taxed at 5% in Cameroon. As part of the measures to broaden the tax base outlined in the 2024 State Budget of Cameroon, a “reduced rate of 5% for non-commercial profits tax (BNC)” is instituted for individuals generating income on digital platforms through the sale of goods, provision of services, or exchange and sharing of assets (collaborative economy), as stated in the circular on the execution of the 2024 budget law, signed on December 29, 2023, by the Minister of Finance, Louis Paul Motazé. (

– Lobbying: 10 young Cameroonians expected at the Africa Young Leaders congress, presented as the African Davos. The list of the 10 Cameroonians participating in the first Africa Young Leaders congress in May in Rabat, Morocco, has not been revealed yet. As of now, it is known that they will be selected from 10 different fields of activity, as mentioned by Bertrand Solanga, the Secretary-General of Africa Young Leaders. This Cameroonian, head of the LightGroup company investing in the oil sector, adds that another selection criterion will be the recognition of these young people in their respective fields of expertise. (

– Politics: Abdouraman Hamadou Babba threatens to sue the Director-General of Elecam. He claims that the Director-General of Elections did not comply with provisions No. 2012/001 of April 19, 2012, on the Electoral Code, by publishing on December 29, 2023, the definitive electoral lists for the year 2023 in the communal branches of Elections Cameroon (Elecam). (

Pour approfondir :   Cameroon Press Review of Thursday, February 1, 2024

For further information: Armand Noutack: “The Eleven Million Citizens Movement is the most democratic Political group in Cameroon.”

– Gabon prohibits the importation of used cars over 10 years old. During the Cabinet meeting on December 28, the Transition government adopted a draft decree to relax the measure regarding the importation of used vehicles in Gabon. Henceforth, imported vehicles in Gabon must be a maximum of 10 years old after their initial circulation abroad. This draft decree represents a second easing of the regulation since January 12, 2015, within a month. On December 5, the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) had already extended this measure to 8 years, compared to the 5 years in the January 12, 2015 law. (

– Info TV journalist Olivia Bossal is missing; a wave of concern grips the media world. The news has sparked concern in the Cameroonian journalistic sphere. According to a statement on the Info TV Facebook page on January 3, 2024, Olivia Bossal has been reported missing since the previous day, January 2. (

– DRC: A Georgian company boosts attack aviation. Six helicopters and two aircraft of the Congolese Air Force are being modernized in Georgia to enhance their attack capabilities. They are expected to participate in military operations against the M23 from March 2024. (

This concludes our national and international press review this morning. Thank you for reading. See you tomorrow for a new edition.

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Cameroonian Press Review of Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Cameroonian Press Review – Friday, January 5, 2024